Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

Finding out
more about

How are climate and weather linked? What rare plants and animals live in the core zone of the national park? What strategies do wild animals use to protect themselves from the cold? Knowledge about the delicate balance in the habitats of Hohe Tauern is the best way to sensitise people to the protection of nature. Education, next to wildlife conservation, research and natural experience, is one of the most important responsibilities of the Hohe Tauern National Park. With skills, experience and commitment, we share our knowledge about the protected area, its peculiarities and the national park concept.

Symbol Buch
235,625 participants

235,625 participantsin six educational programmes and four educational institutions

Symbol Pflanzen
Bildungsangebot Projektwochen im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
73 schools

73 schoolsbenefit from the partner school programme

Symbol Wanderschuh
Nationalpark Ranger am Gletscherlehrweg Innergschlöss
36 rangers

36 rangersVisitors benefit from the knowledge that our rangers are happy to share

Our educational facilities


The educational facilities are the knowledge centres of the Hohe Tauern National Park for transferring knowledge. Topics such as the formation of the Alps, high mountain eco-systems or the water cycle are presented in an exciting and creative way. Varied programmes and modules make learning easy. The educational facilities awaken curiosity with their offerings for schools, put the experience of being in nature at the forefront and provide surprises – so children, young people and adults can have fun while expanding their knowledge about nature. 




"rangerlabs" is where we learn from nature. Together with national park rangers, research, experiments and tests are conducted.

House of Water


In the House of Water in the Defereggen valley, East Tyrol, everything revolves around the importance of water to mankind and the environment.

National Park Learning Workshop


The National Park Workshop in Klausnerhaus in Hollersbach lets you experience the nature and culture of the Hohe Tauern National Park with all of your senses. 

Science Center Mittersill


Experimenting with scientific issues is the focal point at the Science Center Mittersill.